Victorious is bent happy and proud and confident. Also there is a show called victorious
I won so I’m victorious
A iconic show that literally raised me.
Nelly: have u seen the last eat victorious
Larry: no dude I was doing something else
Nelly: it was straight up fire
After giving head, she insists on wearing the Mask of Victory
often used after one has pulled something incredible off, and jacked off right after.
originally coined in the latest video as of writing this, made by youtuber named SimpleFlips, named "TOADETTE HAS THE CAR SUPER MARIO MAKER 2 - WALKIES at 9:40.
man, that basketball game was barely pulled off, i need to have a victory mayonnaise
the action of sucking on a female’s breast
yo i just totally victory lapped that bitch!
Like when you first play a challenging video game and you have to learn the ropes and the second plays through , you know what to do and got the
Skill you can beat the video game so much faster and easier?
I don’t know which is better first play through or victory lap. I guess it depends on you and what you love to see. The underdog or the elite veteran.
Person 1: Yo you give the victory lap to that girl
Person 2: yea, left a huge mark