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Anything that well constructed or skillfully built, usually this sentence belongs as a compliment

This film is very well-made!

by Lolitaismyrealname July 13, 2017

Health and wellness

Army/Military term: In BCT or AIT when there’s a (typically) an unannounced check on peoples room/lockers. The drill sergeants are suppose to be looking for mold, etc but they actually just throw everything around in your room in hopes they find food, vapes, etc.

Hey bro get rid of that vape by next week we overheard some drill sergeants talk about a health and wellness sometime next week

by thatf00 April 21, 2022

Mr Wells

An absolute radgie guy from billingham giving off little man big ego vibes.

Mr Wells is a danger to all also when playing nudgies uses Pro rugby skills to knock out the competition.

by Radgiefailure January 2, 2022

Jordon Wells

Jordon Wells is a noun

A sometimes annoying person who always talks about GTA V and when he talks about GTA V he doesn't tell you he is talking about it and it is really annoying and you think he is talking about real lif

Jordon Wells is annoying

by Science_Master March 21, 2017


The stupid ass rims that get yo ass busted fo drugs. Bitch, dey wuddunt mine.

My homy left some ice in my fly escalade. Then I got butt-raped by a large inmate.

by the donkey September 4, 2003

darn well

Euphemism of "damn well", meaning very well

Girl: What's happening today?
Boy: You darn well now what's happening.

by autismgirl123 March 14, 2019

Well Ed

Colloquial euphemism for displaying such vivid emotions of euphoria, that one could reasonably assume the subject is frequently partaking in recreational hard drug use.

"Did you see Jerome fondling those teacup pigs, whilst simultaneously laughing hysterically? That guy was well ed

by Thecityfarmer November 16, 2019