To agree with something; to say yes
Typically used with excitement
Montana: Wanna go for a sesh?
You: Yee
You: Montana's dumb
Montana: yee!
Mood, when you're happy but you don't know what to call it
Alfur: How are ya?
Fluffboi: Yee
Cameron Hain's alternative and cute word for yes.
Yees. I would love to go out for a drink!
Yee is a shorter but not rlly shorter way of saying yea and it’s lit asf to say then just plain yea
Adam- “ that movie was lit af
Nikki-“ yee forsure
A Meme That Is Often Used In The Amazing CrankThatFrank Fandom (The Yeemos)
Frank: Do You Guys Want Me To 🅱️op My 🅱️ussy
Yeemos: Oh Hell Yee
A meme about a dinosaur and shit.
Can be used as a replacement for the word yes.
Can be replaced with the word yeet to show enthusiasm