Source Code


Same as zero-zero,kosong-kosong. Dipopularkan oleh batch Zyronian 2024 sempena hari raya 2021.

Salam Aidilfitri, maaf zahir batin. Zyro-zero ya!

by Nexoxeus May 18, 2021

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Zero to Buck

A process involving the instantaneous transition from a state of serenity/calmness to one of rage/wrath.

"Dude, that stupid girl scout didn't get it.... I didn't wanna buy any freakin' cookies. After saying "no" nicely three times, I finally had to go Zero to Buck and bitchslap her off my front stoop.

by Jaybone69 February 26, 2011

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


it is the act of removing ones penis from a girls mouth or vagina and then you run into the kitchen grab an ice cube and then rub it on ones penis and then run back to the girl and insert the ice cube in to her vagina and leave it there till it melts

Jessica was feeling kinda freaky last night so we sub-zeroed

damn bro thats cold

by BiggE BiG April 16, 2020

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Zero two

Antagonist from the Kirby series last seen just as an eyeball (zero) it's reincarnation looks way more scary than the original having an bleeding eyeball, wings made of thorns and a halo. It serves as the secret final boss of Kirby 64 the crystal shards being available only after you get all the crystal shards and beat the fake final boss. the fight happens with Kirby being supported by ribbon while gunning 02 with the crystal gun. not to be confused with the anime girl.

Person 1: Hey! Did you play Kirby 64 the crystal shards?

Person 2: Yes! it was very fun

Person 1: Did you fight Zero two yet?

Person 2: Nah I still missing on some of the crystal shards

Person 3: Did someone say Zero two?

Person 2: yes we were talking about kir...

Person 3: Yes about Zero two. She is the best girl isn't she?

Person 1: We are talking about Kirby 64. Zero two is the name of the final boss.

Person 3: Wait the final boss is the anime girl?

Person 1: No! Zero two is an bleeding eyeball with thorn wings and a halo. Not the anime girl.

Person 3: Ok sorry

Person 1: Anyway.. What are the crystal shards you are missing?

by anonymous Zelda fan. September 9, 2021

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Zero Two

Zero Two is the final boss of Kirby 64, also known as Kirby and The Crystal Shards. Zero Two can only be encountered once the player as gathered all of the crystal shards and have defeated Miracle Matter. Zero Two's design is best compared to the species of angel known as a Throne, or Ophanim, in the Christian Religion. This comparison is best made through the central eye, his wings, and the revolving rings in the background of the fight.

Person 1: I finally beat Zero Two this weekend!

Person 2: Really? I'm still trying to find the last few crystal shards on Shiver Star!

by FrostCyclone August 22, 2022

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Ground Zero

The plot of land where the World Trade Towers once stood, until they were destroyed by George W. Bush and his RepublicaNazi party on September 11, 2001.

I'm going down to have a look at Ground Zero tomorrow.

by GuidoPosse69 February 22, 2005

52πŸ‘ 100πŸ‘Ž

Zero Trust

People’s new attitude towards opportunist right-wing demagogues and conspiracists in an age of fake news and falsehood about the coronavirus pandemic, who make light of the high number of infections and deaths plaguing their countries.

In an age of Trumpism, and racism and supremacism clothed in white Christianity, it’s no surprise that there’s zero trust among millions of voters of all ethnic groups and economic backgrounds vis-Γ -vis their corrupt or inept β€œleaders.”

by MathPlus April 3, 2021

80πŸ‘ 132πŸ‘Ž