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mile a minute

moving at an extremely high speed to keep yourself up to date with things, in the centre of activity

we'd move a mile a minute just to keep ourselves in it

by winza June 10, 2004

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rollover minutes

time which can be exchanged for oral sex, if you use 4 minutes and had 10 you have 6 minutes remaining.

Man I could go for some rollover minutes with Erin right about now.

by honk March 12, 2003

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moscow minute

The opposite of New York minute. Though in some contexts it may mean exactly the same as New York minute. Use your brain to work it out.

It took him a Moscow minute to realize the Titanic was indeed gonna run straight into that iceberg.

by FenikZ July 28, 2008

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Nigga Minutes

When a nigga got free time.


Nigga A: Aye nigga you got free time
Nigga B: Nah nigga I got nigga minutes

by THEMELEEOG September 8, 2017

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dumb minute

A spand of 60 seconds in which a polack is involved making it a stupid event in your life

Setting: Driving and Jena's pie stick falls onto the floor!
Jess (Polish): "Hey are you gonna eat that?"
Jena (NOT Polish): "NO! it just fell!"
Jess: "Oh.... Can I have it?"
Jena: "Here you go.. fuckin polack!"

Jena just had a dumb minute thanks to Jess!

by Jess 'n' Jena November 10, 2007

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5-Minute Crafts

One of the most awful content farms on the internet, along with Blossom/So Yummy. They'll post the same "hacks" and "tips" over and over again, many of which are really dangerous, especially for their target audience - kids.

Some people will say that they're completely blind to the danger of most of the actions in their videos, but they probably know what they're doing - after all, publicity is publicity.

1. Person A: "Gee, how'd you get that burn on your hand?"
Person B: "I tried following a stupid 5-Minute Crafts cooking hack. Ugh."
Person A: "Poor thing. 5-Minute Crafts is the worst."

2. *scrolling through Snapchat* "OH CRAP THEY'RE ON SNAP TOO"

by Val the Gay Bitch February 22, 2020

ten minute nap

Usually taking place on Sundays, a 10 minute nap is a discreet way to inform your roommates (or fraternity brothers) that you are going to abuse yourself. This is synonymous with masturbation til orgasm

"Hey Sam, I'm feeing a bit tired after a long night of partying... I think I'll take a quick ten minute nap, but I'll be back in time for the kickoff of the Broncos game."

by Partytime69 November 8, 2015