Another way of saying you're hammered.
Dude those white claw surges have me feelin hammy sammy! Let's go break some mailboxes!
Sammy Blammy is a wild creature that can be identified by his various yups, bricks, and other high pitched noises.
Did you hear what Sammy Blammy said this weekend? He went “yup yup brick yepperton”
A kid who is a kid and wheres yeezys also is kinda funny might like men likes like 7 ppl and simps
Someone who is deeply inlove with papa stacy (a legend), she also gets heated alot like a crap ton of times, also admires papa stacy.
a friend: Im a sammy
other person: Me too
They make an amazing couple they have a great chemistry and get along great they will make a amazing husband and wife..
Amber and Sammy are great together
a Sammy Chapman is someone who is very attractive physically and mentally it’s said that everyone who has this name has a massive shlong that goes from 12-30 inches long Sammy Chapmans normally live to be 300 years old and are very sexy.
Step back threes and saying dumb shit all the time and you gotta love the warriors
My friend over here is Sammy erritt style