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A tall lanky skinny bitch who goes to starbucks and has sex with some doucher. Ashley's usually have huge ass bug eyes and pasty white skin. She talks shit with Adrianna about everyone, but everyone hates her.

"the girl i fucked last night looked like dinosaur, she was such an ashley"

"its lent and i feel like such an ashley for saying this but,lets go to starbucks"

"i have sex with 25 year olds when im 16!"
"ew you ashley!!"

by Life is a box of choc2 March 14, 2010

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this girl can brighten up your day by looking at her. you look at her and smile, not always because she's so sweet but because of her quirks. she is very weird but very kind. she can always be found in her room, usually watching netflix. often, ashley's are very happy and more likely to be gay than others. this person can always have fun and is always ready to eat. she loves food and loves to sing alone in her room. she is beautiful inside and out and has a bad sense of humor but it's ok.

an ashley is ok to be.

by patricia martin12345 September 10, 2017

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a whore. periodt.

me: β€œhey, do you know where ashley is?”
boy: β€œAshley? Ohhh that whore! Yeah she’s over there.”

by urmomsassisfat October 18, 2019

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Ashley is a person that won’t stop texting you. She begs you to come over to her house at 11p.m. on a school night for β€œfun”. Most people deny the request, so she sends a special picture.

Ashley: I’m lonely come over.
Boy: No, it’s a school night.
Ashley: sends pic Not even for this?
Boy: leaves on open

by 1248421 July 7, 2018

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The type of person to say hey

Damnnnn ashleyyssss hawwtt

by Biggggg papaaaaaa April 29, 2018

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She is super cute.Almost everyone loves her cause she is so Kind to everyone. If you end up breaking a bond with her you are joining a group that we call the Dickheads gang which currently has (Jake and Alfie) in it, so DONT JOIN THE GROUPπŸ€™πŸ˜‚

Me:Who are in the dickheads group
Ashley the queen:JAKE AND ALFIE THE SLAGS.
Me:YES QUEENβ™₯️β™₯️β™₯οΈπŸ˜‚

by FUCK JAKE AND ALFIEπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ October 19, 2018

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short girl with a big nose
her mans is a boy named jason
slamming her locker is easyyyyyy
dates taharka on the side
jason also dates taharka on the side

jason: lemme smash

ashley: omg i love u hahhaha
taharka: *winks at jason*
jason: lemme smash

by jasons tagalong is 1 inch February 28, 2017

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