Been a while, been a long time
It's been a grip since I seen you.
Should have already done so prior to already doing so.
He been shoulda been payin’ me my money!
"I been in a ugly mood lately" Is a way of saying you're depressed and there isn't any way to fix it, or that you have been feeling depressed for a long time now. It can also be a way kf saying you're depresses but not making it seem like it's a big deal.
Hey man you look down, wanna talk about it? Nah its just "I been in a ugly mood lately"
It’s Been 20 Years Since I First Started Using The Internet Regularly
It’s Been 20 Years Since I First Started Using The Internet Regularly
October 28, 2003 - Life really Is short. Jesus…
"Been With" - most commonly referred to as sleeping with a partner.
talked about badly to the point where there is nothing you can come back and say
Ole boy you've been flamed on.