Boy titties - When a transgender man (ftm) still has their boobs
Little bitty titties - Really small boobs
It'll be sad when he gets top surgery, like damn, just look at those bitties!
Their chest may be flat, but I think bitties are fucking hot.
One can define bitties as a pair of erect nipples. Also known as boner titties.
Guy 1: Damn you see that guy. His Nipples are busting through his shirt. They're hard as fuck.
Guy 2: Yea that guy's got some nice ass bitties.
Look at that girl she flat as hell
Nah bruh she just got bitties
A reference to beers; either in a can or bottle
bitty: for singular
"Im bout to head to the store to get some bitties, you want sumn?
"You got dem bitties?"
"I'm fidna head to that store to get some bitties, you want sumn?"
"I could use a bitty right about now"
Used as a word or before the word “Bitch” Bitty bitch or bitty by itself meaning a short form for bitch
Your such a bitty bitch
Vape juice, what takes you to cloud 9.
You will want bitty alot
Archie, can I have some bitty please?
Conor, this bitty is good today