A vent book being a book where people Wright there feelings and draw them in a book to vent in a book made to vent in
:guy1:Hey bitch
Guy2: my life sucks and I wanna die
Guy1: that sucks you should have a vent book I made one Bc my 8th girl and I broke up good thing I have 7 more
Just like book nerd but way cooler
Boy- so you're a book geek?
Girl-yeah I guess so...
Boy- you're sooooo COOL!!!!
A type of socially debilitating guilt experienced only by English Literature students when performing tasks that either intentionally or unavoidably prevent them from reading.
Dude, I had a tug today when I could have been reading. I had such serious book guilt!
Book wanker -
A person who spunks their pants while presenting lore from books they’ve read (half read) when engaged in conversation with people who talk about a tv show/film they’ve watched that neither asked for nor care about the tedious facts they are being lambasted with.
Me - “In Game of thrones I can’t remember wolf wifey’s name”
Book wanker - “Red hair, Sansa?”
Me - “no, her mum”
Book wanker - “fish wifey?”
Me - “no, Neds wife. The starks. They’re dire wolves no?”
Book wanker - “actually she’s a Tully, their emblem is a fish. I know this because I read the books”
Me - “ you’re a book wanker”
I'm just tryin to see dem titties on da book.
Muhfuckas dat act hard on da book gonna catch smoke.
When something is according to your beliefs and ideals. Same as in my opinion
Person 1: Is being a bookworm cool?
Person 2: It is in my book.
The colloquial name for that timeless classic, Concepts And Case Analysis in the Law of Contracts (Concepts and Insights), by Marvin A. Chirelstein.
There I was, a Saturday night, with nothing but my Boat Book, a glass of chianti, and all the time in the world.