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Cam is the most knowledgeable and talented real estate professional you will ever work with. He is loyal to his friends, family, and especially clients.

Cam’s are easy going, handsome, and filled with positivity. If you ever see a property that is hard to look at - just look to Cam to cheer you up.
He is someone you want to be in business with. His entrepreneurial spirit and innovative mentality are likely to bring you health, wealth, and happiness.

If you want to buy, rent, sell or even are considering looking for advice on real estate, you must find yourself a Cam.

Cam sold our house so fast!
I found my dream home because of Cam
I love cam

by Chasing Benjamins November 23, 2021


the realest nigga youll ever meet

"omg is that cam?!!?"

by omgcamm June 28, 2023


a friend who’s extremely petty and aggressive

Thomas: Don’t be a Cam Matt
Matt: A Cam?
Thomas: Just don’t be petty dude

by DrippleGod November 23, 2019


The best girl that you’ll ever meet. She is hilarious, and makes everyone laugh without trying. She comes across as quiet but when you talk to her you’ll definitely think the opposite! She is cute, attractive, and adorable. She doesn’t have a lot of close friends, but knows everybody! She has a name that is mostly used for boys but she rocks it. She loves to flirt, and can make anyone wish their boyfriend/girlfriend was that romantic! She treats whoever she’s dating right! They might go through some fights, because a Cam never lets someone else win an argument, and that can cause some problems. Overall she is a wonderful person, and you’ll be lucky to know her! She’ll make your day in a second with that smile, and those amazing dimples!

Person #1 - Who’s that girl?
Person #2 - Oh that’s just Cam she’s probably making more jokes.

by Holytic214 April 2, 2018


A complete weapon, Often called a stallion

yo is that cam??? that kids a stallion

by Stallionx January 20, 2021


Cameron, or Cam, for short, is a very sweet boy. He’s usually sweet, funny, smart, hot, shy, skinny, and quiet. There are a few people who like him, one of them being his friend, but he’s to oblivious to notice.

Girl 1: I have a big crush on Cam, I wish he liked me back.

Girl 2: Let me guess… you also wish that Cam would fuck your brains out, right?

by ilovehotboysnamedcameron November 4, 2021


kyuu's gf

cam is kyuu's girlfriend, and he loves her so much

by kyuu's gf is here April 12, 2023