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Brown Clown

A jack in the box toy filled with liqueous feces left on the porch of someone who "has it coming". Delivered "ring and run" style.

The flaming turd in a bag is so "played". I say we give her a brown clown.

by Brown Bozo December 9, 2010

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clown mustard

The substance that comes out of the man probe at the end of sexual activity.

Man my girl and I went on for hours, till the one eyed meat snake finally spit out some clown mustard.

by C.T. Kennedy June 27, 2007

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Clown Brows

When women think its fashionable to remove their natural eye brows and either draw in or tattoo in fake eyebrows.

I was sitting across from this woman on a date and she had clown brows draw in...

by co198tom May 26, 2011

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clown crew

A buncha dudes looking to get lucky on a night out with girls by coming up to them and grinding indiscriminately. Said dudes have zero game and are usually seen sporting berets. At the end of the night, these sideline haters and end up douching it up with other haters

Yo, fool, look who rolled in; the biggest clown crew in the city. I'm gonna rip the beret of those mofos !

by hailbg February 6, 2010

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Clown Pie

Anytime you ejaculate and catch it in your hand and then smash it into someones face.

Sally jerks off Jeremy and catches his cum in her hands, and then smashes it into his face

Jack fingers Merry and catches it in his hands, then smashes it into her face.

Tyler jerks off into his hand, and then smashes it into Jacobs face.

by DirtySyko September 13, 2003

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cock clown

n. a person who loves to be around the penis, pretty much a gay man

Ferdinan is always hanging around homosexuals, he must be a cock clown like them.

by Turd Burgler June 22, 2004

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Ass Clown

A form of the more common Failure combined with an Ass Hole. Basically a combination of the worst traits of both: the mental, social, and physical shortcomings of a Failure, with all the obnoxious douchebaggery of an Ass Hole.

1. Joel may be a Failure, but at least he's not an Ass Clown...

2. Shawn is indeed an Ass Clown

by MNWHREDLX October 21, 2008

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