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Corn Fiddle

When a girls on top of a guy during sex and he reaches around and pulsates her butt hole. The resulting motion should look like you're playing a fiddle.

Dude i corn fiddled the shit out of her last night.

by Pala Mayne March 14, 2010

3👍 1👎

Corn Modulator

A mixed drink composed primarily of grain alcohol, corn whiskey, and corn syrup.

Person One: Dude, check out the corn modulator I made! Want a sip?

Person Two: Jesus, dude, no way. That thing looks like it would kill you.

by Harframic Dioxide November 2, 2022

Corn whale

A corn whale is a southern ohio term for a raccoon that has consumed so much corn that it is to fat to get into a trash can

The damn Corn Whale knocked over my trash cans again.

by The Prebeltuckian January 17, 2020

corn swapping

Bunghole-scissoring. Also known as Catdoggin' it.

When Dan finally returned from the war, you could hear the thunderous clap of him and his fiance Becky Corn Swapping from a mile away.

by LetMeSmellYourFeet January 25, 2014

Bobbing for corn

The act of oral anal stimulation rimming; with reference to the discovery of undigested kernels of corn. Akin to bobbing for apples, but with scatological undertones. The phrase has its origins in the West Midlands.

Nick: Tom, you’ve got something stuck in your teeth.
Tom: Sorry yeah I’ve been bobbing for corn.
Nick: So I guess that’s not chocolate around your mouth.
Tom: No, Nick. It is not.

by JoshTheObscure May 25, 2019

corn scale

A system used by men to determine how attractive a woman is and if they would engage in sexual intercourse with the woman. There are three parts to the scale: 0, 1 and Corn.

0= would not have sex

1= would have sex

Corn= would stick a corn cob into the woman's butt and then eat it out of her butt. (Intercourse will generally precede this event).

The most attractive women will warrant the "Corn" status.

Dude, I want to corn that chick so bad.

She's definitely a 1 but I wouldn't corn her.

Corn city!!!

Use the Corn Scale bro.

by Mr. Cornster January 12, 2013

Corned Sausage

Corned Sausage is what happens after you get done with having anal sexual activities with your significant other and when you finish there is a corn kernel stuck in your urethra.

I got done fuckin' this dude and he left me a Corned Sausage, I had to piss it out

by Xx_Cr33p3r_M4n_xX April 30, 2022