Cindy: that picture you posted of you guys together is so cute!
Hoe: 💛💸(he got money and loves to spend it on me) Money with wings emoji
It is a question mark in a box
It means you have no clue about something .
Hooman: Sup whacha doin
Other Hooman: Walking my pet fish
Hooman:question mark in box emoji.
I don’t know what it means does anyone else.The only reason I did this is so someone else sees this and tells me.
Something i ride a-lot, good for yoga, and falling.
Tyler: yo can i buy you a big emoji ball?
August: im calling the police
Emoji (from Japanese 絵文字, read えもじ) are tiny pictures you can put as a character in text. Their appearance differs slightly between platforms.
The concept and the word both date back to early Japanese mobile phones; “emoji” means “pictogram” in Japanese. Emoji spread worldwide when the iPhone implemented the emoji keyboard, made possible by the Unicode Consortium’s efforts to combine all the world’s text encodings into one.
The word “emoji” is made of two components, 絵 (e) and 文字 (moji), meaning “picture” and “letter” respectively. Therefore, any claims that tie the word to “emoticon” are etymologically wrong.
Emoji are also not to be confused with emotes, which appear on platforms like Twitch or Discord, and do not have Unicode code points; for example, 😂 and 🍆 are emoji, while PogChamp and OmegaLUL are not.
“I’m so bored. Let’s play connect four
Use red”
“Android phones have USB-3 ports, headphone jacks, expandable storage, non-store apps, and Google Maps. iPhones can make your face an emoji.”
A common form of cancer widespread on the internet, mainly found on the social medias and texting apps.
Dude, that emoji gave me cancer.