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A fat piece of shit who know one likes

Fuck of you fat price of shit no one likes you Finn

by Defoe December 9, 2018


Finn is a great name and most people that are called Finn are super duper hot

Finn, do you wanna fuck?

by Smileybanana73 May 11, 2023


Before you know it, you see a finn. a wild finn on the streets. He would come running at you, faster then ever then keemstar. Opening your eyes you realised your in a dusty hotel room tied to the bed, its over.

fuck theres a finn.

by fuckmesohardibleed March 12, 2018


The best person that is living on earth. They are very beautiful and hot. They always know what you need and will help you. They are amazings freinds and the best boyfriends you could ask for. They will be honest but wouldn't want to hurt your feelings. They are funny and overall the best.

A: you see this person there.
B: Yeah that's finn. He is the best.

by beautiful.like November 21, 2021


Very smart and sexy boy. He has a big dick and is a magnet to the ladies. He is an amazing friend who cares about them more than anything. In general, he is a great guy and is very attractive.

Girl: ''Look there is finn''
Other girl: ''omg he's so hot''

by MeAndYoMama February 2, 2022


The funniest and cutest he does cuss but only sometimes when he is pist off at someone who makes fun of him

I love Finn he is cute and sweet

by Finnydaddy123 March 5, 2021


A retard who thinks he's cool, hot and funny, but secretly stashes his extra chromosomes under his bed.
Usually, these people have bad grades, are ugly, people like them at first but then they turn into fat chodes.

"I thought he was cute, but then it turned it he was a Finn."
"Bro, stop being a Finn!"

by LinguiniBoy May 21, 2020