a term used to describe any old man or woman's genitals
at the retirement home's aerobics class, the trainer projectile vomitted because so many grungeny goobers were visible
Super racist term for half-Asians.
Your mom is asian and your dad is white, you are a goobering
A compliment term to basically someone who is fresh af and pulls bitches without even trying
Goddamn John, that Gucci belt made you into a real saucy goober
A silly willy person/an alternative for goofy
Alex: I can’t stand wearing pants
Me: Bruh you a goober munch fr
When you do something really stupid in the game dead by daylight and it works.
"Why did you vault into that wraith and how did he miss?"
"Goober tech idk"
A state of extreme happiness, that words blend together in an illiterate annunciation.
Dude! I just got laid! I'm super goober glabby!
I'm super goober glabby, I cannot believe I just won 10 million dollars!
When someone does something ridiculous, silly, or dumb, the drink they had immediately before is named responsible for this.
"He tripped over air, that must be goober juice he's got in that bottle."
"Dude, are you on goober juice or something? Your class is downstairs!"