An extremely painful experience, similar to a lobotomy, that is likely to last up to 5 years, with mind numbing levels of taxation on workers and employers alike. The concept was started by some oddball called Ramsay MacDonald who was Prime Minister of a Labour minority government in 1924, but fortunately that bunch of losers only lasted for 9 months - phew! The second occasion that Ramsay MacDonald led a Labour Government between 1929 and 1931 conditions were so bad, it was called the Great Depression!
Yes, amazingly there's some bloke down our pub, who know's someone, who's friend's mother-in-law actually voted for this Labour Government - I know I didn't believe it either!
“Government work” is what one does for oneself in a shop on company time using company tools, machinery and materials. “Government work” “hides” the fact that you are stealing company resources by implying that it’s a secret, off the books, project. But since everyone knows what “government work” means you really aren’t hiding anything, you’re sharing an inside joke.
When someone says “that’s good enough for government work,” they are admitting that they are doing less than perfect work because it’s just for their personal use.
Worker 1: What’s that? It doesn’t look like any of our usual products.
Worker 2: I can’t tell you, It’s government work.
Worker 1: It looks like a part for your new motorcycle.
Worker 2: I could tell you but then I’d have to kill you.
Worker 1: That part you’re working on will never pass inspection.
Worker 2: Doesn’t matter, it’s government work.
A Lowest Bidder's or Military Grade standard of consistent and adequate, but otherwise unimpressive work, without the quality of a competitive market. A done job. Not well done, but done.
This can also apply to imprecise but likewise adequate usage of deadly force with too much time and budget constraints to perfectly avoid all collateral damage and casualties.
Person 1: The rifle can just barely hit a watermelon at 500 yards's distance.
Person 2: It's not a sniper rifle. That sort of accuracy is more than accurate enough for government work.
A non or partly-functioning government usually with several vacant ministerial posts and a caretaker Prime Minister, who can only do certain things until a successor is elected. Usually, this is seen as a reason that a general election must be called.
“We have a zombie government and a prime minister missing in action. The country deserves better during this time of national crisis.” - Christine Jardine, Liberal Democrat MP
What Winston Churchill was trying to utter in a speech of his.
Winston Churchill: iwbnfouevcmsiehwvudbqvGovernment (This is a resolve of his majesty's government)
noun (n): A government with extensive welfare programs to help those in need, akin to a Social Democracy, this type of government will try to help a nation it's implemented in during a period of economical problems/collapse. Normally, these governments are social democracies, although fascist groups and/or dictatorial groups can promise to function like a coat government during their rule.
etymology: A coat government works like a coat, a coat can keep you warm in winter, and a coat government (the coat) can help a country (keep it warm) during economic instability/issues (the winter).
During the Great Depression, the people wanted a coat government to help them with the depression, they saw hope in FDR as the leader of a potential coat government for the US, and some found technocracy, dictatorships, and the fascist dictatorships of Europe as potential coat governments if they would've been implemented back home.
A movement that seeks to promote the formation of any number of governments within a government that would take care of peoples needs such as education,derence, medical care etc.
In the eyes of the host government it would not be considered ligit.
There are many drug dealers in the movement who wish to set up drug cartels as Quasi governments because it is better to have people to suport them and that is one way to do it.
Support the Quasi government movement.