Source Code

Hate To Think

The expression hate to think h2t can be used before basically any statement

Something that a person doesnt like to think about.

Expresses a negative feeling about a statement a person is about to make.

I hate to think that fat girl thinks shes cute.

I hate to think i dont feel to good after eating that sandwhich

by Collotta December 2, 2006

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hate crime

noun (legalese) A relatively recent reclassification of a wide range of federal, state, county, and municipal statues as new, and almost always more seriously punished, offenses applying to the same individual act and/or acts. Hate crime legislation is directed almost entirely against whites and Christians. Some smaller jurisdictions' statues even include specific language defining exact circumstances under which such offenses can occur, such as "a hate crime has occured when a member of a majority race, religion, or sexual preference etc. wrongs a member of a minority race, religion or sexual preference etc.

When I caught the home invader raping my daughter I shot and seriously wounded the perpetrator. Within 3 days the suspect was acquitted and I was charged with felony hate crime,sentenced to a $500 fine and 90 days in jail and sued for damages of ten million dollars for breach of civil rights by the N.A.A.C.P.

by entry defines me as racist June 19, 2005

115๐Ÿ‘ 90๐Ÿ‘Ž

hate crime

Another word for Thought Crime (read George Orwell's 1984).

One of many control methods used by the Democratic National Party to take away your freedoms, violate your right to free speech, and to impose a totalitarian tyranny.

The day may soon come when Hate Crime will be punsihable by death.

by Aribeth April 10, 2005

163๐Ÿ‘ 132๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hate fuck

1)Fucking someone you hate for God only knows what reason.
2)Fucking somebody in an angry or violent manner, which is really a lot like rape.

Why did you hate fuck that girl Joe? She must have did you dirty.

by Solid Mantis March 26, 2018

22๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


(true spelling of hate watch)

To watch something for the sheer reason of enjoying the negative emotions it elicits. (Not to be confused with hate-listen, which usually happens with regards to listening to Rush Limbaugh... for liberals).

At times, I hate-watch "Judge Judy," just to see how horrible she's going to treat the next litigants in your TV courtroom.

Hate-watching is a waste of time and may be bad for your soul.

by Gangsta' McMurphy March 2, 2015

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Hate Edge

Hate edge describes someone who. when ever they see someone who isnt straight edge they will attack that person

Dude, can i light up?
I wouldnt, that dude is hate edge

by ToMMiDNiGHT April 26, 2007

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Hate Fuck

To fuck a person for revenge.

I hate fucked my ex-girlfriend's friend in the hot tub at the party. My ex caught me in the act. That made the hate fuck the best ever.

by Stan, Cody, Ricky, and Alex April 3, 2003

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