she was known as that rich party girl that was popular for her sex tape (which was released without her consent) back in the day, but now is more calm and collective and is married! Grew up with apparently strict parents who wouldn't even let her go to school dances, wear make-up, wear certain clothing, etc. So that made her go wild. Was locked up in an abusive boarding school that her parents sent her too without their knowledge of how abusive it was or maybe they did know, who knows... Overall a really fun, chill, bubbly person.
sarah: hey guys did you see paris hilton's documentary on youtube?
becca: yeah, i never knew she had such strict parents
sarah: me either! they even locked her up in a boarding school
becca: that's so messed up
1đź‘Ť 1đź‘Ž
An abuser that acts like she’s had it so rough in her life and as if she’s been abused and came from nothing and spent her life having to sit in the audience praising people who didn’t do anything to have money or fame other than be born into it while living a life a resentment because she couldn’t have the slightest inch of freedom because she didn’t have enough money to go anywhere or afford transportation and had to spend her years working as some cashier while being treated like trash and having no one believe her when she speaks up for herself in a society like North Korea where punishment lasts for 3 generations for the most petty “crimes” imaginable.
Them: “Omg! It’s Paris Hilton!!!”
Random person: “Why aren’t you acknowledging me? Why do I have to acknowledge some random person that didn’t do anything except exist?”
Paris Hilton An Icon At Most older than 20! But you’ll never know !! VOTE FOR PRADA
Paris Hilton Is An Icon
Reggie and I were chewing the hilton gum while gettin blowjobs in the penthouse sweet at the Circus Circus
a wanna be frat boy who thinks he’s the shit, a suck up to upperclassmen, a future member of NELK