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razor in the shower

A clear indicator that someone is shaving their pubes in the shower

You see a razor in the shower you can assume someone likes to clean up down low.

by Mrjmar11 October 28, 2016

kentucky shower

Skipping a shower or bath and covering your stink with perfume or cologne

The lazy mom opted for a Kentucky shower instead if washing her dirty body.

by Wordsmith2003 March 25, 2014

Shower Skin

When You Take A Shower And Your Skin Gets Tight
Thus Making You Look Better And More Cut

G: Did You See Franky?
G: Omg He Looked All Sexy
B: He Has Shower Skin
G: Oh...Still <3

by OhemgeeNachoz February 4, 2011

utility shower

A shower during which one shaves, takes a shit, and masturbates.

I woke up 10 minutes before a meeting, so I had to take a utility shower.

by TrashDefiner January 30, 2016

shower piss

A drink catholic boys drink when they become men.

Preist: drink the shower piss and be born into manhood.

by The rubb March 14, 2022

Lash Shower

Where you have a shower and take alcohol to drink while washing.

Just gonna go have a quick lash shower before an epic Matlock prelash!

by Lash showerer May 3, 2010

Jacuzzi Shower

Jacuzzi shower: The act of standing or sitting under a shower of piping Hot water for elongated periods of time for no reason other than to bask in the warmth of the water. Simmilar to sitting in a jacuzzi pool.

It was cold in my apartment so i decided to take a jacuzzi shower to relax and warm-up. Jacuzzi Shower: The act of standing or sitting under a shower of piping Hot water for elongated periods of time for no reason other than to bask in the warmth of the water. Simmilar to sitting in a jacuzzi pool.

by Interiordestinations March 17, 2015