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aaand you're done

a very nice way to tell someone to be quiet because you're sick of them talking. Usually slurred out when saying. It's quite nicer than saying "Shut the fuck up bitch."
Very useful

Cindy: So omg i was at the mall yesterday and i bought these new shoes omg they were so adorable and i was like these are pink and i like love pi-
Grace: aaand you're done.

Marcus: Dude I'm on the Varsity team for football and I'm the coolest person ever
Grace: aaaannnddd you're done

by Gracie S. April 24, 2006

103๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

you're my favorite

you are the person who i care about the most, who i love to be with and talk to, the person who makes me smile, and you are mine

aw, baby, you're my favorite

by oxorosinoxo September 6, 2006

392๐Ÿ‘ 114๐Ÿ‘Ž

do it and you're cool

This saying is used to peer pressure others into doing bad activities, such as drugs, pooing in front of others, or drinking another dude's piss. However, it sounds so retarded that it can only be used ironically, and my friends and I often use it in a very joking and ironic context, encouraging each other to do absolutely retarded shit by chanting "do it and you're cool"

Dave: You should do drugs and eat poo on the balcony
Tomas: What the fuck? In Hungary, drugs are punished by horse archer firing squad, and I don't want that fate
Dave: Do it and you're cool

by HandleBrake12 November 11, 2020

Your/You're Syndrome

One of the world's most common disease. One in three children are born with this. People with Your/You're Syndrome have a hard time figuring the difference between your and you're. People with this disease will always make this mistake even if they know the difference. As of right now, the only cure is to slap someone in the face until they are cured.

Gerardo: Hey dude, have you passed you're game yet?
Marco: What?

Gerardo: Have you passed you're game yet?
Marco: Ummm, it's YOUR not you're, learn the difference!
Gerardo: I do know the difference, guess I have your/you're syndrome.
Marco: Guess i need to punch you in the face.........

by pornfreakk July 26, 2011

25๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

You're Just Jealous!

What delusional fucks use when people insult their favourite band/artist. Very common among Jonas Brothers' fangirls. They refuse to acknowledge the fact that people hate their "beloved" Jonas Brothers so in denial they say "You're just jealous!". Oh really? I am certain you also hate stuff like lets say heavy metal bands so does it make you jealous of them? Morons.

Guy: Jonas Brothers' suck!

Girl: OMFG! You're just jealous!

Guy: Why the fuck would I be jealous? I listen to real music like Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, The Beatles, Nirvana and more.

Girl: OMFG those bands are like the worst in history.

Guy: You hate them but are you jealous of them?

Girl: No!

Guy: Then retarded bitch, how am I suppose to be jealous of the Jonas Brothers?

by Person With Logic November 7, 2009

299๐Ÿ‘ 93๐Ÿ‘Ž

You're Quite Welcome

you say you're quite welcome when you are more than glad to do something for another person

Pretty girl:

Thanks for taking me out to dinner


You're quite Welcome, it was my pleasure!

by MBKmedia May 7, 2009

48๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

You're toast, [eh]!

A phrase used by Canadians to indicate that the person being addressed is in deep trouble. Usually (but not always) it is the person uttering the phrase who is offering trouble to the one being addressed.

1) Joe: "Hey, I broke your favourite autographed hockey stick; sorry..."
Wayne: "Oh, you're toast, eh!"

2) Wayne (at the bar): "Damn, is it 3am already? I promised my wife I'd be back by 11!"
Joe: "Oh, you're toast!"

by Jane Canadian May 6, 2006

55๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž