when a person/people talks to themselves in a solo game. typically in calls (such as discord) different people will be talking to themselves about something no one else can see.
Milton is insane gaming talking to himself like that!
I have no idea where these people are coming from. All these weird new people need to go back to where they came from.
I’m a Cajun and I’ve never seen the world so insane before.
i.e. WTH you’re Lebanese, what are you doing in Louisiana in the first place.
Best described as a mental condition that is completely and utterly completely. Absolutely fucking insane. To the point where as I'm reading this actual definition. I can only imagine someone with such a point of insanity in their mind..... That at some point they just stop interacting with everyone entirely and if anyone comes within like two distance feet of them, possibly even less. They will show you examples of why they are completely nuts. It will be very visible to someone who observes someone who is batshit insane.
Dude that person is bat.shit insane
The mf who nicolas cage played in the first National Treasure (Ben Gates) .
Because the mf turned down $1 billion from the FBI for the treasure find
Damn Nigga you must be "Insanely Retarded" to turn that offer down
It’s the inability to relate to another human being. It’s the inability to love.
she’s insane, she’s incapable of love
You are literally insane, which means you're crazy or describing someone as crazy or mental.
"Oh gosh, stop it! You are going insane!"