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Third Lady

The former nude-model, current plagarism enthusiast, and future third ex-wife of an orange-fleshed, cornsilk-toupeed, short-fingered vulgarian who defied all laws of logic and physics to occupy the highest political office in the US despite his overt racism, misogyny, xenophobia, dishonesty, pro-rape stance, and general tackiness.

During the surreal presidential inauguration, it was hard to ignore the deer-in-the-headlights expression on the Third Lady's face as her glance darted back and forth between the throngs of screaming protesters and the repulsively tiny fingers on her husband's shrunken hand as it ceaselessly roamed her stepdaughter's backside, one child-sized finger focused on the very center of its target, attempting over and over again to break through the fabric barrier as if it were a parched desert traveler and its longed-for destination the last drop of water on earth.

by EEKatLarge November 12, 2016

49๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

Lady Gaga

A woman's penis.

I saw her lady gaga last night. I barfed.

by buttslapper81 October 17, 2010

487๐Ÿ‘ 237๐Ÿ‘Ž

Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga is a singer/songwriter/instrumentalist.
Her real name is stefani.
People love her and hate her.
Some think shes a hermaphrodite, I dont think she is though..

Lady Gaga is not as ORIGINAL as you may believe she is... shes copied numerous people including: Roisin Murphy, Grace Jones, Christina Aguilera, Madonna, David Bowie etc. I know people need inspirations and such but Gaga simply copied ALL these people.. she obviously makes it her own/takes it to a whole NEW LEVEL which is cool i guess but its still unoriginal, and in the end gaga gets all the credit for it. which sucks especially if you love x-tina.

And she loves the gays.

Jessica: "Oh my god! Lady gaga is so different and original!!! gotta love her!"

Deanna:"Lady gaga isn't original shes just an ex-stripper copycat!"

by Jessica Fimmel June 12, 2010

467๐Ÿ‘ 228๐Ÿ‘Ž

TroGro Lady

A fine cashier at the greatest school in the nation, USC

I want me some trogro lady

by mylifebelike February 7, 2010

16๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Lady Gaga

1 An Individual who implies that they are original when in fact they are actaully not. Often times they can be found using ideas or concepts that were not orgianally found in mainstream meida. 2 Someone who believes they are a fashion icon, when they acutally are not. 3 An individual who dresses tacky, and is often considered a walking fashion disaster. See also, Poseur.

1 Your inspiration seems rather "Lady Gaga," don't you think? 2 She beleives she's a model, but she is infact only on parr with Lady Gaga. 3 Your dressed very "Lady Gaga" like today. I don't want to go out in public with you when your dressed like that.

by Serial Gaga January 15, 2011

346๐Ÿ‘ 165๐Ÿ‘Ž

Lady Gaga

When a man partakes in the act of wearing outrageous clothing in an effort to hide a tucked penis from your audience.

Jonny: WOW! Did you see that singer was actually a man?

Billy: No I didnt, her outfits were so different and intruiging!

Jonny: Oh no, you just got the Lady GaGa treatment!


by Sir Ricks A Lot December 15, 2009

552๐Ÿ‘ 274๐Ÿ‘Ž

Lady Gaga

The best person ever. At age 18, Lady Gaga graduated from Paris Hilton's Dumb blonde stripper school as valedictorian. At the age of 21, although having no talent at all, she gave special favors to top record executives in order to make a name for herself and become one of the music industries top artists. Although her only talent is giving handjobs, her album "the fame" has sold over 10 million copies worldwide showing that even if you have no musical talent whatsoever, if you use a machine to alter your voice and give plenty of handjobs, you too can achieve greatness.

Bob: Oh my god that lady gaga concert was awesome
Dave: You're a dude, why did you go see lady gaga
Bob: Well yeah, her singing was shit, but she gave out handjobs backstage
Dave: Aww man, I shouldve went.

by JDizzleFoShizzle4 October 10, 2010

445๐Ÿ‘ 215๐Ÿ‘Ž