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magnum load

To ejaculate whilst having sex, thus depositing a large amount of sperm inside a woman, anus or vagina.

Perry: "How was last night with that bird?"
Terry: "Nice, I magnum loaded her snatch!"

by TehLulzTrain February 17, 2014

rat load

a massive amount of

he had a rat load of beers in his fridge

by Comptonlads April 1, 2018

Fisherman’s Load

When you catch a large amount of fish out at sea on a fishing boat, one must grab one of the fish and use the fish slime as a lubricant. You then bust a nut into the ocean. This is known as Fishermans Load.

Jakub Chickowski: Guys! I jut caught a bunch of fish!

Lennon Vipond: Yes! Now we can perform Fisherman’s Load

by Grant Hansen July 2, 2018

a nose load

Blowing an excessive amount of mucus into a kleenex. Usually a result from holding in snot in public as not to have to blow one's nose publicly. Also a result of cold season. Similar to blowing a load, but with one's nose.

Joe: *blows a nose load*
Rob: "Damn Joe."
Joe: "What? You know I'm allergic to pollen."
Rob: "Yeah but look at that tissue. It's overflowing with mucus and it's getting on your hand..."
Joe: "Ever since I ran out of Claritins I've been filling up kleenex like a G-rated Ron Jeremy."
Rob: "Whatever, just go wash your hands."

by pistolpete332 February 8, 2013

a gobb-load

a lot of shit.
created in tha kitchen while over stuffing tacos..

i got a gobb-load of cash.

by 501 mixtapes September 25, 2009

Loading simulator

Grand Theft Auto V, since it always feraking loads literally. That's the whole point.

A: Hey bro, shall we play some GTA five?
B: Nah bruh, it's a bloody Loading simulator. I want get some sleep tonight.

"Dude! Let's see who's gonna win in GTA V today!"

<10 hours later>

*exhausted growling*
"Why we'll still here? Just to suffer... -"
"Wow! I won my dude! It finally loaded! Oh, come on! I've been killed by some snap crackle pop on an opressor!!"

by Sir Wenceslas 🕊 November 24, 2020

dog load

Nicer way to say "piece of shit" when you're trying not to swear.

Person 1: My knight in shining armor turned out to be an idiot wrapped in tin foil! SMDH
Person 2: Man! What a real dog load!

by DudeBroLad February 7, 2021