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dyke mullet

mullet on a chick.
aka scene hair.

woman 1: dude. what did you do to you're hair?
woman 2: i got layers && entensions so my hair is the sex.
woman 1: no. you have a fucking dyke mullet. and it looks like shit.

by Alx Nichole February 6, 2008

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Mommy mullet

a diked out loser who steals your man

have fun with mommy mullet! LOL!

by mommy mullet February 14, 2010

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mullet underwear

Women's underwear that is "business in the front, party in the back."

For example, a pair of regular looking panties in the fron with a big butt cleavage area in the back. "Look at the pair of mullet underwear that hot model chick is wearing!"

by Ham Hands Beth Lil Jib February 4, 2009

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moot mullet

The term given to a filthy, saggy, overgrown, pungent smelling, disease ridden vagina of and indigenous Australian women (a.k.a. A Gin) inclusive of the pubic hair.

"Hey you lubby white 'sing wanna moonyea my moot mullet? But you gotta scratch and sniff first."

by Nifty the 2nd July 19, 2014

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1. The Call of the Mullets
2. A loud shout in the direction of a person or persons sporting a fine looking mullet
3. admiration for one's mullet

(in the distance)

by LyssaB January 24, 2003

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Mullet Mafia

A mafia with people that only have mullets, and have nothing better to do with their life. and their leader is the crazy football coach that has a sucky mullet.

coach: let’s have a mullet mafia

every boy in the grade: BETTT

by omw.to.your.dads.house October 15, 2019

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woman with a mullet


That woman with a mullet is the most pathetic thing i have ever seen

by UISjackolope January 30, 2003

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