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Canned Coochie

Canned Coochie is Cheap Coochie also Just Coochie in a Can.


"I like Canned Coochie."

"Really? Same."

by Hannahpleaseloveme June 10, 2019

Canned coochie

Canned coochie for those ugly mistakes

If you buy canned coochie you got a shrimp.

by Trumphater— September 22, 2019

Can Fu

He is the stupidest guy you'll ever meet. He's funny and disciplined, especially when it comes to the gym. He slacks sometimes and is almost always nonchalant about everything. He cares... but only if you matter to him :) He also lacks functioning brain cells but manages to pull the baddest bitch in the planet. His girlfriend is so beautiful and smart that she carries the brain cells for both of them in the relationship. In exchange for her good qualities, he showers her with unconditional love and affection (and yummy kisses too).

Can Fu is daddy <3

by lilpengting February 7, 2023

canned jew

When u squeeze tiny Jews into a silver can and seal it forever more and place it into ur basement in a cold area out of direct sunlight

In my dry basement area with no sunlight I placed my canned Jew into my basement by the canned chicken !

by Bum check February 18, 2016

Choked the can

Plugged the toilet.

You choked the can again? Dude, you need to get more fiber in your diet.

by MikeInMKE November 13, 2013

open a can

open a can of WHOOP-ASS

If that man keeps messing with me, i’m gonna open a can

by yo mommas grandmama July 28, 2019

Meat Cans

Some very nice, preferably big breasts the size of big cans of meat, that of course are delicious ;)

She sure had some very nice Meat Cans!!!!!!

I can't stop staring at her amazing Meat Cans.

by EDH85 May 3, 2015