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cloud seeding

When waiting for your significant other (usu. female) to finish trying on clothes, and you're feeling gassy (perhaps due to eating Chipotle or because you need to poop). Rather than wait in the husband chair and stew in it, you wander the store leaving little clouds of happiness for others to find.

That Chipotle was so rank, that while Jenn was in the dressing room at Dillard's, I was forced to wander around the women's shoes doing a little cloud seeding. I'm not sitting in my own stank.

by chromigula January 11, 2010

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fart cloud

the poof of poisonous gases that fester and brew and you hold in untill you find a victim to stand in front of in the grocery store and release your fart cloud upon them whilst you casually walk away and watch from the next isle as others look at them in disgust

that guy took so long in the grocery store selecting his brand of loo roll i just blew him a fart cloud within inches it smelt so bad other customers thought he had shat himself

by boris sniffer July 17, 2020

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Cloud Strife

The hottest, coolest, blondest, spikiest, softest fictional man. He's my man, we're married. He just doesn't know it yet. Did I mention how hot he is?

Person: Cloud Strife is ugly.
Me: If you don't walk away in three seconds you will be dead. Don't test me

by YourLocalCloudSimp November 23, 2021

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Thick Cloud

When a person is over the age of 35 lives in their parent's vacation home and uses their medical marijuana card to sell weed to underage kids.

This person is always higher than a kite and has no job.
This person also has children and got a divorce from their spouse.

damn thick cloud was having a massive rager with her college-aged daughter last night.

by lol tina January 21, 2019

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cloud energy

created by the most hated skank on twitter, groupiedior

mad: cloud energy
all of twitter: you dumb bitch it's pronounced CLOWN energy

by whoreyspice April 4, 2019

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storm cloud

When you sit on a chick's/guy's face and rip mad ass.

by Makis August 22, 2003

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Cloud Reider

A guy from Canada who can't keep it in his pants. His on-line alias is Cloud Reider.

"Casual cyber-sex is goooooooood..."

by Mr. Bird February 22, 2005

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