A line friend is who you truly are inside. Your line friend is a friend for life. The friend who you made in line for the club. A line friend is your companion when you are in line. You don't use them to butt in line, you use them for friendship.
Don't be a cunt you need line friendage.
Eyebags and wrinkles
Ever since i hit 30, my bags and lines became really obvious!
(noun) A vague platitude with no meaning or purpose behind it. An attempt to save face, get last word, or placate. A verbal attempt to avoid confrontation. A cop-out answer.
Person A: I guess I'll just pray for you.
Person B: Don't give me a line of shit.
A common technique used when drawing a penis. The foreskin is represented by two lines that separate the head from the shaft.
Hey Tony, did you see that dick someone drew on the board in the weight room? Yeah, it had two lines so I bet Paul drew it.
A pour from a tap that hasn't been used for a period of time that makes it tastes flat and generally unpleasant.
Hey pal, this tastes off. Let it flow a bit. I'm not here for a line beer.
When you are feeling not really happy but not really sad. Maybe under the influence of antidepressants.
Adam: Hey Fred how ya doing
Fred: Meh, so so just surfing the line.