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Lil peep obsession

being obsessed with lil peep is a cute thing honey❀️the symptoms of your obsession are:stalking lil peep instagram,listen to lil peep 24/7, have your room full with lil peep pictures,dream about lil peep,and if you activate quickly if someone saying bad words about lil peep.❀️🐣

Your room is full with lil peep pictures.
Yes I know I have lil peep obsession.

by angelsweetheart7 September 19, 2021

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peep toe mafia

Women 25-34. The new power structure in the workplace. The opposite of The Old Boys Network.

You need to find a mentor in the Peep Toe Mafia if you want that job.

by baronkgc August 30, 2015

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pull a lil peep

To overdose and die

Fuck life Imma pull a lil peep

by Hankydanky November 2, 2018

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Peep Hole Stretch

When you try to stretch you wee hole.
With a ear plug.

yea thats correct

Stretching up the hole you piss from!

Many will do this sick painful modification, To insert foreign bodies such as bendy straws, To achieve the illusion of pissing up a wall like a male.

"Oh hai lily, I feel like stretching my wee hole,Yes a Peep Hole Stretch!, to insert a hollow object, therefore allowing me to piss up walls"

Eg; Straw

by Natooshka Almigheh! June 3, 2009

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Lemme peep at you

Basically trying to get someones attention to ask them a question or just tell them something. Similar to "Can I holla at you".

Yo guys lemme peep at you for a second, this class is so hard, I don't know why I signed up for it.

by Apg205 July 26, 2018

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peeping around corners

when a woman is stalking you.

yo, the head cheerleader is peeping 'round corners at you, Leroy.

thanks, Ruben.

by anon March 3, 2005

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IIT-I peep

An IIT-I peep is that one friend in every group who boasts a lot about his achievements whereas his only achievement is that he got A+ in blood group test

Man, those IIT-I peeps are crying again.

by IdharKyaDekhRahaHainBsdk October 11, 2020

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