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corner people

People who like to camp in corners in games.

(Playing Black Ops 2)
Roses: I ran in that room and that corner people shot me!
Musical: Damn you corner people!

by realrosesarered February 25, 2013

11πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Lake People

(n) Genome of homo ertectus, typically thriving in the Midwest of the United States, can usually be distinguished by their lack of/ yellowing of teeth, sporadic covering with meaningless tattoos, and minimal clothing (see Wife Beater, Cut off shirt). Can be found in trailer parks, walmarts, and local lake β€œbeaches”, usually driving a Ford passenger vehicle (town car, crown Victoria, mustang, etc.) although typically claiming to be part of white supremacy gangs, will be blaring rap music/ Lil Nas X over blown out speakers and subwoofers. Diet consists of ramen noodles, totinos pizzas, and Monster energy drinks. Most smoke 100mm light cigarettes and flick the still burning butt with no regard to surroundings(in the water, on the road, into dry brush pile). And of course, if not slamming Monsters, can be found in the wild with a light beer in hand.

I wanted to go fish the creek this Memorial Day weekend, but it is infected with fucking lake people!

I went to Walmart to get some tackle for this weekend and spent 15 minutes in line behind a flock of fucking lake people buying Monsters on their EBT cards!

by KrayTom May 27, 2019

11πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Funny People

Great film chronicling the trials and tribulations of an ailing comedian and his recently taken-in protege'. Hilarious and genuine, with comedy almost every five minutes. Written and directed by Judd Apatow. Starring(but not limited to): Adam Sandler, Seth Rogan, Jonah Hill, Aziz Anasari, Aubrey Plaza, RZA, and many more.

Funny Quotes:

* Funny People Scene:Seth Rogan-to-James Taylor-after-a-concert: "Do you ever get tired of singing the same songs?"
*James Taylor-to-Seth-Rogan: " You ever get tired of talking about your dick all the time?"

"Fuck Facebook!"

by GOTspence? August 6, 2009

32πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

british "people"

People that are from a small island in Europe. They think they are better than everyone. "people" that think they belong with the rest of society but in reality lost a war to a bunch of farmers. They do not recognize the word "dentist" or "freedom." Their queen is a 3000 year old dinosaur that everyone respects for some reason. Same goes with her dysfunctional offspring. NO ONE CARES THAT THEY GOT MARRIED

"whats all dis dan, bruv"
"shut up all you british "people"

by Brug but wayy cooler October 26, 2020

64πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

russian people

People who love to laugh, drink, and have a good time. Make good friends and are not afraid of anything.

Russian people rock!!

by randomperson1357 July 17, 2008

106πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž

earth people

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) speak for non-alcoholic/addicted persons.

Also referred to as normal people.

"I wish I was like that earth person who just left the bar with her drink glass still half full!"

by Twelve-Step slang November 17, 2004

41πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

gothic people

a close-knit artistic social group that desires darker and more ethereal emotions to be invoked. these emotions; morose, necromanticism, apocalyptic, sex, death, love, blood, lust, etc. help form the base from which this often misunderstood sub-culture operates from.

this contrasts to mainsteam society's emotional desires of optimism, safety, perky, pleasnt, poser, etc.

alternative and taboo world views, creative expression, and industrial/goth clubs are the heart of the Gothic People.

by indus July 13, 2006

155πŸ‘ 67πŸ‘Ž