A self absorbed person who disapproves/ doesn't agree or can't vision another's point of view or ideas out of pure hatred of another.
Your brother is such a Hateful Prick he truly believes his way is the only way of life, and everyone else is just a clueless hater.
"Untalented Prick" another word for music.ly kids or Jacob Sartorius
That untalented Prick is a piece of shit
The main character of a dating sim who is a complete sexist jerk. He is often found dating at least four girls and complaining in broken English. He's not that nice of a guy.
Steven is such a prick-chan. He doesn't respect his girl.
That one dumbass fuck shit that everybody hates, and is devious enough to ooke holes in your condom.
That one blond headed shit that fucks with everyone but persists to do so even after countless beatings.
Prick head ass kid: Haha i poked holes in your dick glove, have fun
Kid: *beats the fuck out of prick head ass*
Jeremy: We going to that party later?
Prick head ass: Ohhhhh can i go?
Kids: *cripple prick head ass*
sum stupid retard who beat a child to death with a potato also has sum blind freind who has many simps who think they are dating ( imposter is sus)
sus amogus green prick
sum retard who beat a child with a potato and has two freinds who one of them has millions of simps who think they are dating sus amongus
this green prick is sus
Prick Proof:
Something so simple in either design or concept, that even a useless idiot could use or make sense of it.
A Zippo Lighter is so easy to use, it's Prick Proof!