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Big Rave Dave

By day a mild mannered and all round card carrying David.
At night he transforms in to Big Rave Dave... A master of wiff waff, backgammon, jazz cooking and throwing shapes...
Will occasionally go in disguise as "Wee Davie..." when he wants to mix it up a bit...
Has been know to bang out excellent performances of "I Dreamed a Dream" from Lez Miz...
Is capable of capering to levels of extreme proportion when accompanied by his side kick Phmrb... Whose mystery is only exceeded by her power

Amy Winehouse: That Big Rave Dave parties so hard... How is he in bed at 9pm most nights?

by Johnny Cheesedog January 31, 2023

hippie/rave joy

the bubbly, ecstatic personality of a raver chick or hippie chick when blissfully lavishing her happiness; carelessly and liberally thrown to everyone who is there when her excitement commandeers the conversation :D

OMG it's Courtney, she always is so happy I don't get it! she is always aloof and never has a bad day it seems she's in her own world, stay happy Courtney, stay happy you hippie/rave joy girl!

by LITERALLYcouldEVEN August 25, 2021

Shower Rave

Getting some in the shower with a dank guy


A guy named shower rave.

My friend had a shower rave so i felt like I wanted to try it .


Yeah she got with Shower rave hes Dank !

by thetunnel August 19, 2010

Chair Rave

To take ecstacy or similar synthetic drugs or even possibly methamphetamine while at home by self or with two to three friends and just enjoy yourself as apposed to a traditional rave at a club or similar setting.

I was at home chair ravin and was rollin out da frame with lisa and molly. {Chair Rave}

by samsonjonesblack November 22, 2013

Cube Rave

When you hear a great song a the office and can't help but to start raving in your tiny little cubicle.

Dude, when I heard Halcyon On and On by Orbital, I couldn't help but to start cube raving at my desk at my desk. Then some more people joined with me and we had a huge cube rave.

by McRaver April 1, 2011

raving mincer

An insult used by someone normally obsessed with bangers, insinuating you are gay. Often combined with arse bandit or uphill fudgepacker.

Fuck off you fucking raving mincer!

by Bandit bangers April 1, 2016

raving mincer

A homophobic slur used by 40 year old men obsessed with bangers

Fuck off you fucking raving mincer!!

by Bandit bangers April 1, 2016