The day that follows after an absolute crippling night where you have flashes of death before you.
"Mate what's wrong with you?" - Phillip
"Bro I have post-sesh syndrome I can't move" - Gary
"Mad night then" - Phillip
The "sesh god" is a particular individual, usually in university or just moved out but still living on daddy's money, who goes out on the seshmost nights of the week or every night if you are a sesh lord and party's their arse off like the sun isn't going to come up.
Hey, Emma you sesh god. You comin out tonight to get smashed?
Jacob: Aye Andrew!
Andrew: wussup foo?
Jacob: let’s sesh
Andrew: down bro 💯🤩✊🏽
Dream group to smoke weed with
Steve bachels is in my dream sesh circle
an annoying phrase used by others to make you feel bad when you are invited to do something but don't do it
when you didn't go to something when invited to do it
other word for letdown
toby i dare you to jump that fence!
nahh man
you're flapping the sesh!
The definition of an activity where the female is edging the male over a long time, until the male reaches a point where can’t control his penis muscles and then automaticly cums. This can be done in a solo/duo/trio/squad or more. If you «edge» over a long time i’ts called a «Edge sesh» wich is the opposite of «Gooning»
Example one.
Person 1 : I would like to have an Edge sesh with you when we get to my goon cave
Person 2 : I’m your teacher…
Example two
«Two persons says a word on the exact same time»
«A jinx»
Person 1 : «Jinx» you owe me an Edge sesh.
Person 2 : ah you got me
The activity of edging over a long period of time, basicly to either jerk off in a Solo or with a Duo until you reach a much more pleasant erection.
Person 1 : u owe me an edge sesh.
Person 2 : ah you got me.