Short term for Script Kiddie aka. Scr1pt K1dd13
they always think they are a hacker.
Note : this is for the meaning of skid in Roblox.
*skid opens "very hacky" script hub and then teleports to someone random*
User1 : Dude dont hack!
Exploiter : such a skid
Skid : cry
Skid : kid
Exploiter : the real kid is you btw.
*epic exploiter vs skid battle begins*
skid has 2 meaning but are close in meaning
skid can be short for scriptkiddie/script kiddie
but the more used meaning is someone who steals code/scripts and claim it as their own
however its mainly used for people who make vapev4 configs for Roblox BedWars
some popular skids include SnoopyConfigs (retired), RUCK CONFIGS, Azura Client, bowlofsaladlol
Mastaskid, 0prime, TheMagicPiston and tons more!
here are also some popular skidded configs. SP+ PistonWare, AzuraClient, SaledWare, PistonWare and SkidWare.
the skid copy and pasted a config then proceeded to use jjsploit and spammed EZ WIN after that he hopped into his discord server and posted racist memes.
A roblox exploiter that steals scripts and says that he made them.
Goofy ahh skid stole my script 💀
Assholes who steal your game and publish it for themselves and attempt to make money from your hard work and claim it as theirs.
I hate those fucking skids that stole North's game. Ruined the game for everyone.
In New Zealand slang skid or skids is another name for a burnout in a car
Friend 1: Wanna do some skids bro
Friend 2: Yeah bro sounds good
short for script kiddie
a skid is usually between ages of 13 - 17 and is unskilled individual and has little to none knowledge in cyber-security and uses publicly available software to hack
it can also be someone who "makes programs" but really just copy and pastes from stack overflow and github and has no idea of what there doing
person 1: i heard david is a game developer
person2: no david just copy and pastes from forums, hes just a skid
short for script kiddie
a skid is usually between ages of 13 - 17 and is unskilled individual and has little to none knowledge in cyber-security and uses publicly available software to hack
it can also be someone who "makes programs" but really just copy and pastes from stack overflow and github and has no idea of what there doing
person 1: i heard david is a game developer
person2: no david just copy and pastes from forums, hes just a skid