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Skunk runner

N: one who must run naked around a house because they are terrible at a given game and has been skunked.

V: To run around a house (usually durring a party) completely naked because of being skunked at any particular game.

N: HaHaHa. Look! We have another skunk runner!

V: I am very good at drinking games, therefore I have never had to skunk run.

by pbop1 October 26, 2010

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skunk punk

The act of making people believe they’re smelling a dead skunk on the road outside, when you in fact farted in the car.

On the way home from Taco Bell, I totally skunk punked my kids into believing there was a dead skunk outside, after ripping one in the car.

by Pete Timmers January 9, 2018

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skunk butt

when your friend or colleague has been farting all day

co-worker 1: holy shit! It smells like a dirty corn hole in here.

co-worker 2: yeah, Drakes been eating hard boiled eggs and cabbage since 9 o'clock

co-worker 1: yup,he's got a case of the skunk butt

by jercface February 5, 2014

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skunking a motherfucker

When you purchase a bottle of pure skunk oil from Amazon, to be used to skunk the fuck out of the inside of the walls of a landlords house who has been fucking with you... on your last day there.

I am going to get the last box and put it in the moving truck and then we are outta here, but first i'm gonna finish "Skunking a motherfucker" so no one ever wants to live here again.

by Stains and Smears March 15, 2018

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Gut skunked

To get shanked in the abdomin while lying underneith of a billy reuban blindfolded wearing a cat outfit

Damn nigga that hoe over there is getting gut skunked, thaat whore

by karsonwolfe01 December 16, 2014

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A nugget size turd that has the powerful pungent stank of skunk funk.

Mike drank eight heinekens last night and just dropped a skunk-nug in toilet. Tell him to double flush.

by jenjenarino April 20, 2009

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Strawberry Skunk

An amazing sweet smelling strand of weed originating in Fenton, Michigan! The greenest of greens with long orange hairs and the best smell ever. Enough said.

"Ay man whatcha lookin' for?"
"Gimme some of that Strawberry Skunk!"

by reppin' the hometown! May 6, 2010

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