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being in a friends room while successfully not doing hard drugs

hey mom were studying” as they dome in bed with a computer open

by mr burchells favorites May 13, 2022


a mash-up of the words 'student and dying'

"Did you hear what happened to the student who was studying?"

"He died the next day."

"They say he was studying...."

by aluna =tbhk= April 6, 2023


Studying (verb): A word used to replace the word "smoking." The act of smoking weed (cannabis).

Hey Jimmy, are we studying after school? I really need to get the edge off.

by edgyaustin November 14, 2016


A subtraction of “student dying

SHIT He’s studying! CALL 911!

by The old and smart one September 12, 2019

Studying Four

Studying method in which the student utilizes flashcards and copious amounts of sugary alcohol to learn test vocab in college. For every card he or she guesses right, he or she takes a drink of four loko.

"Not now man, I'm studying four my vocab test." "Oh ya I had to study four two tests and a midterm last night"

by ilikethebums October 31, 2011

The Burke Studies

The Burke studies” were a scientific study took place in 2018. In these studies, a highly respected research group ran a series of tests to find if “Hailey Burke” is attractive (despite her beliefs). Not only did the conclusion state that Hailey Burke was indeed very attractive, but also that she is an amazing person and one of the most wonderful friends in existence.

The results of “The Burke Studies” were very obvious.

“The Burke Studies” weren’t needed to tell us these results; this is already known.

by Speaker of Facts September 3, 2018

computer studies

A technical term used on the Tattooing industry for Porn. It is often used for the passing of time between customers

"Did i miss much at work today?"

"Na dude, spent most of my time catching up on computer studies"


by Crazydude165 January 13, 2014