AKA Dark Forest, the place where "evil" cats who have died go; Starclan defines evil as anyone who doesn't believe in them (Christians, anyone?), kills because "A good warrior doesn't need to kill" (MY ASS), neglected a kit, being half blooded, etc, etc. Typically have an urge to destroy the clans; trained clan cats as to find a way into them easier. "Time passes weirdly." wounded cats never health past death. No prey anywhere, this leads to all cats typically being very skinny. Notable members and examples are Tigerstar, Hawkfrost, and Mapleshade.
No one has defined the formal name yet, Place of No Stars, so here I am.
A once bustling party spot until shut down by Ford because of the extreme messes, broken items, and peeping toms during sex.
“Remember when Mick did the naked lap at the Forbidden Place.”
“Of course, he slipped in mud.”
A phrase commonly used when one is distressed by something someone has done, expressing a feeling of being trapped in an unplesant situation.
Usually used when one laments being present for something, or being unable to escape it.
"Fortnite Among Us Sussy Balls!!"
"This place is a prison."
When you or another person is always third place when there is a friend ranking.
Hey! You are my third place friend! Right after Sheila and Kobe!
Slap bitches in the face with your balls
David patty placed that one bitch
It is another way of saying "I enjoy incest!" People who use it enjoy watching incest happen or enjoy taking part in incest.
Steve: Joe why are you so close to your sister?
Joe: Places finger on eye
Steve: oh, So "I enjoy Incest" is referring to you?
Joe: yee-haw
A stupid quote just so cutting a line can be fair similar to telling someone life’s unfair
Asher: *cuts cameron*
Cameron: yo why did u cut me
Asher: bro we’re all going to the same place deal with it
Cameron: no