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walruses r kuul. they are mystical and no body knows their orgin.

wow that walrus is kuul
i know man

by notarielfountain February 16, 2018


a word used rather excessivly by a certain lucas nathan

see definiton of gergis

by mickey tee April 1, 2003


A walrus is a cute af animal that looks like my aunt

Roger:Aww It's A Walrus
Me:No that's just my Aunt

by Aaron Jord September 13, 2021


When you smoke 2 joints simultaneously on both sides of your mouth because you were passed 2 js at once during a cyph

Damn he got 2 joints in his mouth he is straight walrusing

by Puppyangel July 13, 2022


A sub-genus of THICC gay man bearing a striking resemblance to Wilford Brimley.

Adam: Is that Wilford Brimley?
Steve: Nah, that’s just a walrus.
Adam: A walrus?
Steve: Yeah, you know - like dolphin, otters, twinks, bears, zaddies….
Adam: There are a disproportionate amount of animals types in that group.

by goldengrey1776 September 26, 2022


A sub-genus of THICC gay man bearing a striking resemblance to Wilford Brimley.

Adam: Is that Wilford Brimley?
Steve: Nah, that’s just a walrus.
Adam: A walrus?
Steve: Yeah, you know - like dolphin, otters, twinks, bears, zaddies….
Adam: There are a disproportionate amount of animals types in that group.

by goldengrey1776 September 26, 2022

Epic walrus

A man who is loved and hated by the community he was bitten by a radioactive walrus and now is the youtube epic walrus some teacher love him while others don’t he is a simple man but not a simp man he loves gaming and memes his YouTube channel is dormant and he loves his homies except for texkz he can go and die he will stop at nothing to beat the boss get the girl or cockslap the homies his best friends or the boiz are 6ishop Kevin and your mom

Texkz : your garbage talk to me when you have 100 subs

Everyone : stfu texkz that’s why no one like you

6ishop: that’s why your clips suck

Acid : ha ha loser l’s
Epic walrus : thanks guys I really love you

by Surlaw cipe March 16, 2020