Source Code

thinking cap

another synonym for a person's brain

use your thinking cap first, before doing something retargerous

by Sexydimma May 4, 2015

11๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

ice cap

hiting a bong with ice in the chamber.

Scott: Want an ice cap
Jon: Definitely

Graham: Damn I got brain freeze from that ice cap!

by AhmPat August 24, 2010

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sticky caps

The "cool" way to type, according to idiots. It also makes the way you type look "pretty." Usually typed with sticky fingers.

s2PdPeRs0n45654645: hAi GiRlFr3n!!!!!!111
Moi: Stop typing in sticky caps & learn how to type correctly.
s2PdPeRs0n45654645: DiZ iZ dA iNt3rNeT n I cUd tYp Da WaI i WaNt, iIgHt CuDdY!!!!!!!!111
*blocks s2PdPeRs0n45654645*

by Not a stupid idiot September 4, 2005

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alternating caps

Used to convey sarcasm or mockery across the internet. Can also be used to purposefully mislead and create humour (see r/PeopleFuckingDying)

Person 1: Ugh, why do people use alternating caps as a way to insult people when really its annoying and that they can't think for themselves?

Person 2: wHY dO pEOplE usE AlTernAtING CApS AS a wAY tO iNsuLt PeOplE WHen REally ITs AnNoYInG And THat THEY cAn'T tHinK foR THEmSelves?

by epic MeMelord MAGNificEnT November 21, 2019

105๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

half cap

upon climax (either self-induced through masturbation, or with a partner) one covers half of the penis hole with the thumb to increase internal pressure in an effort to maximize the velocity and thus distance of the ejaculate.

"hey kasko, how far did you shoot the load after you half capped it?" "dude it went like 20 feet!"

by hairy potter July 10, 2004

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busta cap

1.To shoot someone. Usually in a gangsta fashion with your gun sideways in cold blood.
2. A commical way to say you shot someone

1.Im gonna busta cap in that biatch
2. Yo nigga, lets busta cap in those fools.

by 6 gig February 18, 2003

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Ant Cap

A 40 year old balding man who lives in his parents' basement and spends his days playing WoW and his night mowing down 2Ls of Mountain Dew and bags of Doritos while masturbating to the moans of his Mom's love making.

Wow, I just pwned Ryan Downs like I did with Ant Cap the other night.

by Ashley Myers August 29, 2008

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