A martial art that involves 1 - 14 days of destroying toilets via one's excreta due to viral infection.
Dave's bathroom has been unusable since he started practicing shit flu.
-A blanket term for any venereal disease specifically in woman pertaining to the vagina, this can include but not limited to things such as: ( Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Herpes, HPV )
- It can also be interchanged to fit male venereal diseases as to which you would call it “The bussy flu”
“Oh yeah I was gonna try to sleep with Becky but I heard that she has the pussy flu, so I decided not to touch her”
When you are so hungover, you just can’t even. Symptoms include being too hot, shaking, puffy face, and inability to sit still or sleep but also inability to move or get up. Pairs with whining, ruining everyone else’s fun, and thinking you’re going to die. Frequently occurs on the last day of a binge-drinking vacation. No amount of water helps. Drinking more will sometimes help reduce symptoms but prolongs the sickness.
Mark: “i think something is wrong with me. I can’t eat this and I’m too hot. I am never drinking again”
Ryan: “Sounds like you got a case of bitch flu. Shut up and get over it. Have some vodka.”
A term referring to an imaginary illness; when someone receives their income tax refund and they decide to call in sick to their employer so they can spend that money.
Ben went to H&R Block yesterday and they gave him an advance on his income tax refund, so of course he called in sick today with the tax flu.
A disease that hinders your ability to watch a show except episodes that have heavy shipping
Peter: "hey Chad want to binge She-ra with me"
Chad: "I can only watch the ending because I have Ship-flu"
The AIDS like illness following 2 or more nights drinking more than the recommended 1 Rakia a night. Associated sweats, shakes, anxiety, facial peeling, acidic watery shits and impetigo. Can’t be cured, only delayed...by drinking more Rakia.
“Is it Ebola Doc?”
“No sir, I’m afraid it’s much worse - you have Rakia flu.”
When you lay out of work with a Hoochie girl
I can't come in today , I've got the Hoochie flu