One of the most pernicious venereal diseases ever. What appears to be a simple herpes blister swells up to 4 times normal size, and erupts; releasing thousands of tiny crabs. the crabs disperse, fornicate, and lay eggs which mature into herpes-crabs blisters...
Girl, don't sleep with him or you'll get a wicked case of Herpes-crabs. Herpes crabs
When your inability to hit a fairway or sink a putt somehow infects your playing partner and they must suffer the same misery.
Todd’s golf herpes somehow infected John and he is having a flair up. Hasn’t made a par in 4 holes.
(n) Glitter, glitter fucking everywhere. Just like herpes, you can never get rid of it! It's there for life.
After the show she found herself covered in showgirl herpes
Vampire herpes are herpes that you have even after you die. Like foreeeeeeever herpes
Crystal got bit by a vampire 200 yrs ago and she still has herpes.
My sister got vampire herpes at a rave.
Vampire herpes are herpes that you still have after you die. Herpes fooooooorrrrever.
Crystal got bit by a vampire 200 yrs ago and she still have vampire herpes.
Vampire herpes are herpes that you have even after you die. Like foreeeeeeever herpes
Crystal got bit by a vampire 200 yrs ago and she still has herpes.
My sister got vampire herpes at a rave.