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Mungle Jungle

Where Munglejunkies originate from, also where obseen acts of munging are carried out.
Mungle Jungle was frist found by the orignal Mung Master,who was the first Mung Baby, but who raised himself rather than being raised by munger's, which is what now happens, the Mung Master later died of Mung Disease as he ate too much Mung Juice.

the Mung Master was the first of this kind and was a Psyhic Munger, as he didnt have a mund jumper.

The Mung Master has now became the infamous Mung Pirate and can be found on the black market

karl is the mung master, he founded the Mungle Jungle

by mysteriousmunger November 20, 2008

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Jungle Bunny

A moon cricket that comes out during the day to wreck havoc amongst normal people

I was minding my own business when this jungle bunny came to annoy me.

by Youngmoneybenny July 31, 2019

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jungle dweller

A person from Africa, also known as a nigger.

There's alot of jungle dwellers in this bar.

Only JT could survive a lancing from a jungle dweller.

by gurnsinator April 5, 2008

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jungle tits

big, huge mammary glands that hang to the navel, and lower. refers to negroid females only. very common in primitive tribes in africa.

holy shit! look at aretha franklin's tits! she's got real jungle tits!

by nluvr September 14, 2007

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jungle junkies

This is a term used for describing a group of people who are avid listeners of jungle music, aka junglists.

'Check out those oldschool jungle junkies, they got some crazy moves!'

by jump up 4 ever April 30, 2006

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jungle fever

Jungle Fever doesn't only exsist with Caucasians, people of other races use this term as well... when they see one of their own dating a black person.

Rob: yo did you see that sexy Latina over there? lets hit her up

David: fuck that aye, she got jungle fever... saw her with some black man the other day

by hookin4chronic May 10, 2005

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Jungle Cat

Another Name for a black person

Eric: Yo why are we in brentwood?
Murph: I know right, mad jungle cats

by Jungle Catzzz January 26, 2011

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