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Chimp on your shoulder

Having a Monkey on your back and a Chip on your shoulder, simultaneously.

Everyone knew to avoid the conspiracy-spewing moron at the end of the bar, except the one guy looking for a fight. He came up behind him and said "Is that a chimp on your shoulder, or did you offer Tucker Carlson a piggyback?"

by Monkey's Dad August 8, 2021

tee pee shoulders

A lack of shoulder definition. Head and weak sloped shoulders form a tee pee shape.

That guy has tee pee shoulders. He can't even wear a back pack it would slide off.

by KittyK22 December 18, 2015

shoulder toss

When your tounge gets tired so you use your should to finsh.

My tounge was so tired I had to shoulder toss that puss

by Khalifaakk February 14, 2016

Shoulder Candy

You're at the club with a drink in each hand, or driving keeping your 10 and 2 at the wheel, when all of a sudden your jam comes on. You can't chuck a full-on boogie; that'd just be irresponsible (and you'd probably spill your drink/crash), so what do you do? You give 'em a bit of shoulder candy. An alternating shrug to the beat, with just enough energy to keep things rolling.

I was double-parked with two pints and then my mate Isaac put on Groovejet, so I had to throw some shoulder candy around.

by Mac_Tonight October 31, 2018

business shoulder

Sore shoulder from performing many hand shakes

I've been so busy networking this week I've got business shoulder from all the handshakes

by Uberbabe December 16, 2016

Shoulder clamp

What happens when you're too wasted to stand on your own two feet, but you have to walk back home or to the car

He had a few too many Moscow Mules at the bar last night, so he shoulder clamped on me as we left

by AnubisAscended March 23, 2019

Smurf shoulders

When you carry a backpack for too long you get blue shoulders

I was poopy with smurf shoulders

by Peepeepoopoothesecond November 11, 2019