When you agree to play soccer 7 vs 7 and never show up to any games
Hey Chan Yots are you playing today or is your ovaries sore again?!...you're such a weak sauce!
A spontaneous, immature response given due to some unexpected feeling of shame or guilt.
I shot the perfect eight ball bank to win the game. Of course, Ol' Kingsford Briquette Ass - Sherocco came with his usual contribution of weak sauce, throwing his cue to the floor.
Someone who has no testosterone and is just a dirty dog, who is always shit at everything he does has no mates but thinks his a sick cunt but really his just fucked..
Spenc: ay bro why do you always have be so fucking annoying you cunt
Tom: what bro wasn't even me braow
Spenc: fuck off you "weak dog" everyone knows your a fuckin piece of shit you haven't pumped a weight in your life your as tight as a jew and your just a fucking annoying cunt
Tom: fuck off man "hey scotty there picking on me".
Spenc: ahahah now theres 2 weak dogs fuckin shit knts
The kind that would kill to prove they weren't weak.
The girl went to get some money from the guy's house who she said owed her money, and she wasn't going to let him start laughing at her the way everyone else did over it, so she shot him dead to prove to him she wasn't a weak person. Really, she was the worst kind of weak person. A male who does the same thing is the worst kind of weak person, therefore it is not unfair to a female to say the same thing about a female who does the same thing. She was tired of being called weak her whole life, and she couldn't let another person get away with laughing at her.
A weak stain is a man who is virtually useless in every aspect of manhood. Even his jizz is too weak to leave a stain. Also can be used in place of cuck.
Bill is being a bitch ass nigga. He’s a fuckin weak stain.
Unable to lie. Having a tendency to get caught when lying.
Jake is very weak tongued. His dad knew he went out drinking.