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bulmahn trip

When someone uses an excess of detail in a story that is tiresome and insignificant.

Guy #1 - "Yesterday I went to my car to get something I forgot. I walked past my mailbox, which, by the way has a wonderful collection of rocks at it's base. I collected the rocks last year when I was on vacation at........
Guy #2 - "I guess we're going on a Bulmahn trip."

by fingergunmitch January 16, 2014

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couch trip

(n.) Something that is going nowhere, it is sitting on the couch.

This relationship is a couch trip, let's see other people so we can give eachother STDs!

Your muscle car is a couch trip. Sell it for scrap and buy a bike.

by Gumba Gumba May 14, 2004

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two trips

A woman with an ass that is so big, when she hauls ass she has to take two trips.

did you see her ass? Yeah, that was two trips at least.

by Andrew January 13, 2005

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fellas trip

A guys only vacation. It's a trip where you invite your closest, most trustworthy male friends that may end up in a little debauchery. Could be a ski trip, golf trip, rock climbing, a bachelor party, sporting event, or a trip to a destination hot spot like Miami, Brazil, Dominican Republic, Amsterdam, or Las Vegas.

The guys from the movie The Hangover went on a fellas trip to Las Vegas for the bachelor party celebration.

by lowzlegend November 24, 2009

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Bad trip

A bad human experience which is the result of internal panicking caused by a disharmonious translation between the internal world and external world.

"Man I am having a bad trip, can you please change the music, let's meditate and maybe let's go for a walk in the woods"

by Wytzig December 24, 2019

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tripping walrus

when you take 2 hits of ballin acid, and your hearing seeing and feeling are all the same. all 56 possible walruses are swimming in your head.

"dude, i dont know what the fuck is going on, im sucking walrus cock" "Yup, you're tripping walrus."

by Tyler 42904904 April 28, 2008

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tripping out

The act of immersing oneself in the sensation of one or more stimuli. Tripping out is when someone focuses strongly on a sensation, feeling, or sensory input. Examples of behaviour that may result in tripping out include listening to music (along with dancing to said music), and rubbing one's hand on something soft. The mental state of someone while tripping out is consumed by the sensation on which they are tripping out. For example, when tripping out to music while dancing, the mind becomes fixated purely on the sensations of the music and the dancing in the present, such that awareness of other stimuli becomes ignored. Strong tripping out may look strange to outsiders.

Jack is rubbing his face against a wall while waving his hand in front of his face to the beat of some music. Jack's focus is on the sensations he is feeling at the present, and other sensory input is of no concern to him. Jack is tripping out.

by gizm0guy May 29, 2011

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