The act of popping your butt quickly and rhythmically.
"Damn girl come twerk it over here."
"Regina was twerking on Justin, at the party last night!"
Smoothly moving your back and butt and shaking your ass.
Damn that white girl over there can't twerk!
1. To dance using predominantly your bum, usually sexual.
2. Where people in Yorkshire go to, Monday to Friday 9-5pm
"Oh, dayum did you see that girl twerk in that video, damn that ass went fast"
"aye love, im going t'work now, see you in a bit."
Something that fans of EDP445 constantly comment under his posts and live streams. Its happened a few times, and man who doesn't want to see the legend shake his ass.
*edp445 live streams*
Person 1: Twerk
Person 2: Twerk
Person 3: Twerk
When somebody moves there ass a lot and somebody else can see it.
Aurelius’ favorite thing to do.
"What're you doing?"
Him: *Twerks.*
When one applies the proper pressure to the carotid artery from back mount to secure the choke!
I had back mount on my opponent and to finish the choke I had to twerk!