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The act of popping your butt quickly and rhythmically.

"Damn girl come twerk it over here."

"Regina was twerking on Justin, at the party last night!"

by Markiplier_is_my_bae November 15, 2016


Smoothly moving your back and butt and shaking your ass.

Damn that white girl over there can't twerk!

by #1THOT$$$ March 1, 2016


1. To dance using predominantly your bum, usually sexual.

2. Where people in Yorkshire go to, Monday to Friday 9-5pm

"Oh, dayum did you see that girl twerk in that video, damn that ass went fast"

"aye love, im going t'work now, see you in a bit."

by HarryTheStandUp February 12, 2015


Something that fans of EDP445 constantly comment under his posts and live streams. Its happened a few times, and man who doesn't want to see the legend shake his ass.

*edp445 live streams*
Person 1: Twerk
Person 2: Twerk
Person 3: Twerk

by dickdestroyer445 January 14, 2021


When somebody moves there ass a lot and somebody else can see it.

You twerk by moving your ass.

by Super Inteligent Man November 8, 2022


Aureliusfavorite thing to do.

"What're you doing?"
Him: *Twerks.*

by auremifaso April 17, 2020


When one applies the proper pressure to the carotid artery from back mount to secure the choke!

I had back mount on my opponent and to finish the choke I had to twerk!

by Kukla August 2, 2022