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White trash

Anyone with the last name Pritchard or related

That white trash over there married to his cousin.

by Magoo93 November 16, 2021

White Trash

Someone who smokes meth and works at Walmart

stay away from white trash people

by Lolfax January 12, 2020

White trash

In historical usage, white trash referred to an economically disadvantaged and uneducated white person who lacks manners and who has substandard living practices. White people would often use the term as an insult toward other white people. In modern usage, the term white trash has shifted and broadened to refer to any white person who harbors racist attitudes towards non-whites or minorities. It's often used as an insult directed at a white person regardless of the white person's social standing, income, or education.

Trump is behaving no better than a white trash. In fact Trump is a white trash.

by don't like Tongans August 22, 2022

white trash

derogatory, used to label usually poorer, working class white people. also could be used to refer to a white family or parents in the context that they are abusive, neglectful, and do drugs/alcohol.

person i: see that bitch? she's such white trash...
person ii: yeah, so scummy..

by friskypissky February 1, 2023

White trash

Micheal Shook

Dude1 :Look at that piece of shit white trash motherfucker living off his girlfriend Dude 2: yeah his name is Micheal Shook heard he doesn't even have custody of his kid .

by Lilbit411 September 27, 2018

white trash

James mc callum

James mc callum is white trash

by mroolalryty July 16, 2019

White Trash

People like WoahVickey and BhadBarbie who try their hardest to be black, but are still essentially a piece of white human garbage.

Those little girls are such white trash.

by roman2154 November 1, 2019