When 2 guys are bridging a lady and she calls for a switch and one guy dies not rotate to the right and the guys bang erect dicks.
This dude was total amateur hour she called switch and dude went left, had a Baltimore boat wreck. Just awkward...
A Driver in NASCAR that is known to cause cautions and wrecks. Usually in a low ranking team and never won a cup race.
JJ is a total wreck fest, he causes cautions and wrecks every week.
When you tie someone to a tree in the middle of a forest and after "wrecking" them, you burn down the tree starting a forest fire.
Oh man, he just got ranger wrecked
Person 1: I cant get any women, im to short.
Person 2: Just become a dwarf wrecking ball
Entering a different mind set after getting beasted upon in a videogame. Specifically, the act of loading a bowl and blazing it in order to enter WRECK-Mode making you 3-4X more capable of winning the next match.
Royal Rillo: "Dawg we just went 5 and 24 we gotta go into Wreck-Mode"
Yes Dank: "I don't think we can dude"
Royal Rillo: *Unleashes an 8th nug he was saving for this moment
Yes Dank: *B) "WRECK-Mode"
When you completely destroy someone's self esteem.
Ben: feminism is real look at the wage gap
Caden: you are a stupid cunt if you look at the numbers men under the age of 30 actually make less money than woman and if they got paid less for the same job then every business would only hire woman because they would have to pay less for the same job *wrecked on*
More often than not, as far as train wrecks go, the ass end of a train wreck is arguably the most desirable position one might occupy whilst finding they are in the midst of a train wreck in process. The exception to this principle, of course, would be in the event that a train got ass wrecked. Even so, the ass-end of the offending party would most certainly fare significantly better than that of the violated party.
Boy: "Hey, Girl, did you have a rough night last night? You look like you just crawled out of the Ass End of a Train Wreck."
Girl: "Maybe so, but if you think I LOOK bad, I FEEL like that Train must have gotten Ass-Wrecked."