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Greek yogurt

Semen inserted into the anus during anal sex.

"do you want some Greek yogurt?"
"She like Greek yogurt in her mouth."

by Greek yogurt lover February 19, 2018


When you take mushrooms with dairy and citrus to onset a fantastic high.

I yogurted last tuesday for my grandson's bris, he's such a good little mensch. Afterwards, I sharted while i peaked. I highly suggest yogurt!ng to all of my colleagues.

by clydevanhasselberglovesgloves April 17, 2022

Yogurt throat

A person or people who act white, are white, or associate with white people.

Megan Krugger is a yogurt throat.

by Ieatblunts July 31, 2016

3 inch yogurt slinger

The act of using your dick as a lethal weapon. Also called cum gun.
When your chode is about to erupt so you cum blast your girl.

cum blast
cum gun

Dude 1: "I forgot to use a condom with my gf last night"
Dude 2: "What'd you do"
Dude 1: "Pulled it out and gave her a 3 inch yogurt slinger"

by meme nation December 19, 2017

Cranberry Yogurt

When one has sex on their period and their discharge combines with semen.

Last night Greg and I fr made Cranberry Yogurt, relieved my cramps so nice.

by Poona the Fuck Dog January 17, 2018

Raw Yogurt

sexual term for spitting someone’s cum in the other persons mouth.

“You ever had raw yogurt
“I gave her that raw yogurt

by Nakieya March 24, 2023

pedro the purple headed yogurt slinger

A mans 3rd leg

pedro the purple headed yogurt slinger Is going crazy on that girls face

by Weowentard June 3, 2020