Source Code

New York left

Turning left from a red light a split second before it turns green, in order to beat the traffic on the other side of the intersection.

Your sitting at an intersection with a stoplight and it's red. There is someone on the opposite side of the intersection waiting for it to turn green as well. When you see the other light just turned red, you gun it and turn left before the other person has a chance to see the light turned green and goes. This is a New York Left.

by Samuel A.M. September 12, 2007

26๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

New York Wankees

The perfect name for the overpaid baseball team from the Bronx who always choke in the playoffs because they would rather wank on the field so they can enjoy their overpaid salaries in the off season sooner.

Did you see the New York Wankees choke in the play-offs last year, Man they are eating out of Swinebrenners hands.

by Patriotic Leftie July 30, 2009

82๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž

New York Bitch

An outwardly strong, intelligent, street smart woman or girl of any age who is not easily swayed, led, or taken advantage of. She is in possession of control without consternation, handling both situations and people with confidence. This individual is not to be taken in by flattery, sweet talk, jive or glib conversation. She has an awareness of herself,enjoying full knowledge of WHO she is. Not afraid to say what she thinks in no uncertain terms; cuts to the chase.

Despite advances woman have made in today's societal structure, a confident assertive woman is still often referred to as a "bitch". Someone calls you a "bitch"? you say, "is that with a capital "B"? 'Cause, yes, I'm a New York Bitch!"

by Kai February 18, 2005

129๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž

New York accent

The way Native New Yorkers pronounce there words. Manhatten residents do not have the accent because most are not from NY

Dawg Tawk New Yawk are some ways

by John April 20, 2005

621๐Ÿ‘ 310๐Ÿ‘Ž

New York Slimes

An insult referring to the New York Times and its journalists, frequently employed by right-wingers who perceive the newspaper as liberally bent and who reject its position as newspaper of record.

"Liberals always resort to insults over constructive criticism, thats why I never read anything from those whiny limp-wristed pinko commies at the New York Slimes."

by Mistakenshyness April 21, 2006

154๐Ÿ‘ 68๐Ÿ‘Ž

upstate new york

Any place above Westchester, NY is considered upstate NY. Upstate New Yorkers usually have to answer questions like " Do you have a New York accent?"," Is it crowded there?","Do you live on 5th Avenue?"

The answers to all of these are NO! lol New York has a lot more to offer than just the city. Ever considered that ya punk?!

Me: Hey Im from New York
You: OMG U are? Is it crowded there?

*cracks your skull*

by a smart brunette October 6, 2003

424๐Ÿ‘ 209๐Ÿ‘Ž

new york cut

Usually when a pretty woman has a very aggresive attitude .

snob , verbally abusive to people , pushy , big attitude ,

by Hef June 21, 2005

317๐Ÿ‘ 154๐Ÿ‘Ž